

KeePassDroid for PlayBook

KPD (aka KeePass for PlayBook) is loosely based on KeePassDroid.

It's awesome and it's free, it's a real killer app!

I converted it to make it run correctly on the BlackBerry PlayBook. I did not do extensive modifications, I just changed the OI File Manager APK Download link. Why?

For choosing files, it needs Open Intents File Manager, but due to the device limitations you can't use the standard APK link: if you dare to do it, the device will show an undismissable notification "Download completed" forever, because it can't install unsigned applications.

So I also submitted OI File Manager to the BlackBerry App World, download it from here.

Right now it's not possible to open a link in the App World, when it will be possible, I will add the link in the code.


Ps: I did not change the PayPal donation link, when you click you will donate to the original team, so don't be afraid to make a donation if you think that the app is good. (No credits are due to me, because I really did not do anything for the project, I just submitted the app on App World for an easier consumption on the BlackBerry PlayBook)

The source code with my minimal edits is available on GitHub
