

Posts in Category: Music

Music and Twitter

Look how cool is this "interactive" song:

Brightly - Preflight Nerves

While the music video is shown on the background, the lyrics are shown on the foreground, citating existing tweets.

It's brilliant.

Why the record labels don't understand that the world is changed?

Reading an article on an Italian newspaper, it really become clear how the record labels are thinking that we are still in the '70s.

I'm talking about Payphone, from Maroon 5.

In the USA it has been released on 16th April, making almost 500k downloads in the first week.

Instead in UK they decided to release it on 17th June, as if nowadays music goes back to the old world on a caravel.

What happened?

A cover, released on 17th April, entered on the sales top10 before the official song was available for purchase!

The reasons to the waiting are a mystery for me. They did it to protect sales of the full album? Marketing?

The moral is: if people wants to PAY for a song, why deny it???

Otherwise people is forced to illegally download the mp3 from eMule 3 months befor the official release... and then they say that piracy hurts sales...

How to listen music for free

I found a free Windows program to find and listen online music for free, it's Freemake Music Box.

It does just a simple task: search your song online (eg: YouTube/ftp, etc...), but it does it terribly well, the interface is clean and simple, without banner or adware (Almost impossible, I'll say: how they could monetize? With donations).

Finally QQ Yinyue found a challenger! (it's a chinese software that essentially does the same thing)

The only weak point that I found it's that you can't download songs, just listen. Will this functionality be added in a next version? Or it has been intentionally omitted for copyright reasons? We will see...

Download LeftRightLeftRightLeft from Coldplay for free

Reading RKP's blog, I discovered that the Coldplay has made available for download on their website the new LeftRightLeftRightLeft live recording, that was given for free at their Viva la Vida Tour, now also on legal digital download! This for say a big THANK YOU for their fan!

What a great artists!!!!

List of tracks:

  1. Glass of Water
  2. 42
  3. Clocks
  4. Strawberry Swing
  5. The Hardest Part/Postcards from Far Away
  6. Viva la Vida
  7. Death Will Never Conquer
  8. Fix You
  9. Death and All His Friends

Download now!
