All computers have an internal clock on the motherboard. The clock is very simple and has no support for time zones.
Windows assumes that it's the local time. If it's 12:30, it assumes that it's 12:30 in your time zone.
The rest of the operating systems instead assumes that the time is in Coordinated Universal Time, which is definitely a much better choice: knowing that this is a standard, is a breeze to change time zone or daylight saving time change.
For example, if you have two Windows on the same computer, both have no way of knowing whether the DST is set, then would both change the time for DST, causing endless problems. However, if the base is UTC time, there is no way to be wrong; = UTC +2 Daylight Saving Time, Standard Time = UTC +1
So, we set Windows to use UTC as the time base:
We can create a new text file with Notepad and write this text:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
after saving, change the file extension to. reg and run it. That's it!
Or you can use Regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation and create a new 32 bit DWORD entry called RealTimeIsUniversal and set it to 1
Otherwise, you can download the REG file that I created for you